How To Publish your Android App Into Android Market

Today's post is based on How to Publish Your blog's Android App in Android Market. Before starting Let Me Discuss Few things . So Lets Begin. 1. What is a Difference between a Non Published & Published Android App? Non published Android App means that your app is not placed in Android Market. You just upload your Android App on any free File Hosting website and share the links manually. A published app means that your app is placed in Android Market and it is searchable by millions of people worldwide depending on your App's Keywords. 2. Is it important to publish Android App in Android Market ? Well, the answer of this question is with you. I will just explain a little and than you have to answer yourself that either you want to publish your app or no. If you will not publish, than your app will be shared manually by you. No one other than your Blog reader will know about your app whereas a Published app can bring new readers to your blog. But the t...