Electronic Components types and functions and Test

Electronic Components types and functions and Test The electronic components shown in the figure above are the main components you will find in the laptop motherboard, but you will find them in the form of different shapes and sizes, according to the design of the electronic board. We’re going to give you a brief overview of common electronic components and explain what their functions are, units of measurement and methods of testing them. Capacitor The capacitor is like a rechargeable battery; you can charge a capacitor and use its energy to power something. But a battery can hold much more energy than a capacitor. A battery can power an LED for days without recharging, while most capacitors can power one for only a few seconds at most. How Capacitors Work: On the inside, capacitors are very simple devices. They’re made of two metal plates placed very close together, with a material such as paper in between. To save space, the metal plates and the material bet...