RSMRST# Signal in CQ40 in Both AC and Battery Mode

RSMRST# Signal in CQ40 in Both AC and Battery Mode

When +3valwp and +5valwp always power generated standby IC (TPS51125) output or release R_EC_RSMRST#( this is power good signal which is connect to ICH9 (Southbridge)D22 point) signal this signal is connected to EC_RSMRST# through R354 resistance .So there is difference between AC Mode and Battery Mode:
On off Operation in AC Mode
On off Operation in Battery Mode

                                               On off Operation in AC Mode

In AC Mode adaptor is connected and system get power from adaptor pin (VIN Signal) .When VIN is input from DC jack it Power lm393 PU102 and it release ACIN from Pin no.7.

When ACIN signal input come from LM393 to EC pin no.127 EC disable ACOFF pin no.27. This pin no.27 connected with PU302 pin no.2 . pu302 is Schmitt-trigger inverter IC its Output goes high when input is low. By this PQ308 gate operate and low the drain input from VL LDO Supply which is connected with PQ305 and PQ306 gate pins. When gates of PQ305 and PQ306 have no power by this pull high the ENTRIP1 and ENTRIP2. when ENTRIP1 and ENTRIP2 high Standby IC (tps51125) start making +3valw and +5valw supplies.

After making always supplies this IC release Power good signal it connected with EC_RSMRST# which make RSMRST# signal disable(when # signals has 3.3v it counts as disable) for further Operation.

                                                      On off Operation in Battery Mode

In this Mode power for system is Applied by Battery through discharging Mosfet PQ102 .When Power Button is Pressed by user it low (0v) on/offbtn on pin no.32 of EC. when on/offbtn is pressed EC Triggered PWRBTN_OUT#  from pin no.117.

PWRBTN_OUT# go to ICH9 to intimate system to resume (release pause btn RSMRST#).ICH9 disable the RSMRST# (3.3v) signal and I/o release the EC_ON which power the gate of PQ307 then its drain is short to ground. Drain of PQ307 is connected with PQ305 and PQ306 gate pins.

When gates of PQ305 and PQ306 have no power by this pull high the ENTRIP1 and ENTRIP2. when ENTRIP1 and ENTRIP2 high Standby IC (tps51125) start making +3valw and +5valw supplies. After making always supplies this IC release Power good signal it connected with EC_RSMRST# which make RSMRST# signal disable(when # signals has 3.3v it counts as disable) for further Operation



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